Six steps to sustainability: a positive approach for brands.
17th January 2022
Walnut Unlimited

If you’ve paid much attention to the news over the last couple of years, you may feel that it has been unusually bad. In early 2020, ongoing squabbles over Brexit dominated the news agenda, but these soon faded as the pandemic took hold. And now, just as it was starting to seem that COVID might be on the wane, we are faced with a new wave of infections and fights about vaccinations to fill us with even more doom and gloom.
In the darkest days of the pandemic there were some faint glimmers of light, one of which was the way the natural world seemed to be recovering during lockdown. There were fewer car and plane journeys to pollute the air and human activity was forcibly restricted, mountain goats wandered the deserted streets of Llandudno, and people took solace in nature on their one permitted daily excursion for exercise. This was a message of hope and, although the degree to which the planet was really recovering is debatable, it resonated with a public desperate for some good news at last.
At the beginning of 2022, with the fallout from COP 26 still in the news, sustainability is at the top of the public agenda again. People are concerned over the future of our planet and the world we are leaving for the next generation. But is concern enough to drive change? We conducted some research with UK consumers to find out.
These new findings by Walnut Unlimited explores the landscape of sustainability in the UK using techniques derived from neuroscience. Read this white paper below or reach out to to learn more.
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