Supporting the development of a healthy kids cereal for Jordans.
Product testing healthy cereal options. With a childhood obesity epidemic, and the aim of providing a healthier start to kids’ days, Jordans wanted to develop a low sugar, healthy cereal that children will eat and parents are happy and confident to serve. We...
Tearing up the rule book on concept testing with O2.
Identifying winning concepts for O2 Developing concepts that truly resonate with people is hard enough, let alone in the saturated UK mobile network market. In partnership with O2, we tore up the rule book on traditional concept testing, integrating emotional measures...
Encouraging emotional decision making with Lowell
Nudging emotional decision making with Lowell. Reaching, let alone engaging with, hard-to-reach audiences in research has its challenges. Studies also show that people find it difficult to rationalise and verbalise their decision making process and feelings,...
Reframing the shopping experience during Covid-19 with McArthurGlen.
Applying behavioural science to thoroughly analyse human behaviour in this unprecedented context, and offer insightful strategic recommendations backed by science. In the wake of Covid-19, there has been widespread social distancing guidance issued, and normal...